Saturday, October 3, 2009

C018 Serendipity

Prepare card by folding 61/2" x 81/2" black cardstock in half using a bone folder to make a nice crease. Stamp the front with #0296.I page 233 using VersaMark ink. Decorate a coloured envelope with the same stamp and ink. Set aside.

Turn your decorated Serendipity (from September 29th post) over so you are working on the wrong side. Cut into 11/4” squares using a craft knife. As Ruth says, a steel core-backed ruler works great as it happens to be the right width. A square punch would be perfect but I think you would be asking a lot of it to punch through all the thicknesses.

Arrange nine squares on a 41/8” square of black cardstock, rearranging them until you are satisfied with the combination. Start by gluing a square into each corner, then the center, then put the remaining pieces in place. Cut into a 4” circle. Gold emboss the edges. Set aside.

Gold emboss the Happy Birthday #07305.G page 228 on to black cardstock. Trim close with decorative scissors. Mount on to a piece of purple cardstock and trim close.

Mount the circle and phrase to the prepared card in a pleasing manner.

First taught this class on July 4th, 2001.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful card. The serendipity does so much for different cards. What a great technique!


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