Choose four pieces of wallpaper. Number them from one to four.
Cut wallpaper #1, 4” x 41/4”. Adhere to card front leaving a 1/8” border at the top and both sides. Set aside.
From wallpaper #2, trace a rectangle 41/4” x 11/2” using a pencil. Rip along one 41/4” length. Cut the rest with scissors. Glue with straight edge along the bottom. Set aside.
Using the postage stamp punch, punch three pieces from off white cardstock. Swipe with matching ink. Adhere evenly across the bottom of the card on wallpaper #2. Add a snowflake punched from wallpaper #4 to each postage stamp square. Set aside.
Cut a tag from wallpaper #3. Mount onto off white cardstock. Trim close. Edge with ink. Set aside.
Cut a rectangle 13/4” x 21/4” from off white cardstock. Edge with ink. Punch a snowflake at the bottom left corner. Glue to the bottom portion of the tag. Adhere the punched snowflake to the top of the tag. Punch a mitt from wallpaper #4 and glue to tag. Set aside.
Stamp phrase 07.335.E page 377 onto off white cardstock using contrasting ink. Punch with 11/4 square punch. Swipe edges with ink. Adhere to a 11/2” square from wallpaper #4. Glue to top left corner of card.
Place tag on card in a pleasing manner with one corner tucked under the bottom panel.
First taught this class on March 30, 2007.
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